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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 10, Issue 3, pp. 407-605

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Analysis of a Recursive Least-Squares Signal-Processing Algorithm

Franklin T. Luk and Sanzheng Qiao

pp. 407-418

Symmetric Prime Factor Fast Fourier Transform Algorithms

James S. Otto

pp. 419-431

Distribution of the Average Power of a Normal Time Series

Carl W. Helstrom

pp. 432-446

Resolution of Reconstruction Methods in Computerized Tomography

Hermann Kruse

pp. 447-474

A Fast Algorithm for the Numerical Evaluation of Conformal Mappings

S. T. O'Donnell and V. Rokhlin

pp. 475-487

Linear and Nonlinear Acoustic Wave Propagation in the Atmosphere

S. I. Hariharan and Yu Ping

pp. 488-514

Computational Behavior of Gauss–Newton Methods

C. Fraley

pp. 515-532

On Collocation Implementation for Singularly Perturbed Two-Point Problems

Uri Ascher and Simon Jacobs

pp. 533-549

On Generating Discrete Linear $l_\infty $ Test Problems

Richard Bartels and Barry Joe

pp. 550-561

An Efficient Trust Region Algorithm for Minimizing Nondifferentiable Composite Functions

Eiki Yamakawa, Masao Fukushima, and Toshihide Ibaraki

pp. 562-580

Approximate Schur Complement Preconditioners on Serial and Parallel Computers

Howard C. Elman

pp. 581-605